1. Nintendo - a brief history of the consoles

    2023-01-31 13:34:00 UTC
    Nintendo is one of Japan’s biggest and most famous exports. It’s been entertaining millions of gamers for years, raking in huge profits in the process. This wasn’t always the case, however, because it initially produced playing cards when it was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in 1889. It wasn’t until the…

  2. Suzumushi Temple, the “bell cricket” temple

    2022-12-08 21:02:57 UTC
    Kyoto is home to many stunning temples. But if you set off towards Arashiyama (嵐山)in the western outskirts of the city, you’ll find Suzumushi-dera (鈴虫寺)or “the bell cricket temple”, located almost directly next to Koke-dera, the Moss Temple. The temple is exactly that, a temple populated with hundreds of chirping…

  3. Anpanman – Japan’s most popular anime cartoon

    2022-07-07 13:15:00 UTC
    Picture a cartoon where your hero’s head is a bun filled with red bean paste. He doesn’t need to eat because his bread head sustains him. He does, however, become weak when his head becomes wet. If this happens his friend, Uncle Jam, will bake him a new head which…

  4. Radio Taiso – Japan’s National Exercise

    2022-05-12 11:16:00 UTC
    Early morning exercises are a staple part of Japanese life. But instead of doing individual routines, many people throughout the country gather together to perform a collective form of exercise known as ‘Radio Taiso’ or (‘Radio Calisthenics’).  Everyday at around 6:30am, NHK, the national broadcaster, airs the exercise on its…

  5. Exploring Kobe in one day with the City Loop Bus

    2022-03-09 13:26:00 UTC
    Kobe is an absolute gem of a city. Laid back, cultured and packed full things to do. So, if you have a limited amount of time, there is one way to see the best of the city and that’s with the City Loop bus. A one-day pass will cost 660…

  6. 子供への読み聞かせ ネイティブ英語講師がおすすめする英語の絵本

    2022-01-12 18:29:00 UTC
    寝る前に子供へ英語の本の読み聞かせ。 オックスフォードリーディングツリーは、続けて読むと自然に英語が学べる。 イギリスを感じられる絵も、細かい描写も楽しい。 シンプルな文章は頭に入りやすい。 シリーズで揃っているので、続けて読むのがおすすめ。

  7. My copywriting rules

    2022-01-09 14:04:04 UTC
    When writing effective English, I like to follow these rules: Have a narrative I always try to find a way to write an engaging story - whether it is for sections of an annual review, articles for a global magazine, or promos for a corporate video. Without a narrative, copy…

  8. 日本の永住権取得 Permanent Visa in Japan

    2022-01-03 04:51:37 UTC
    2021年秋、無事に永住権を取得しました。 審査期間は5ヶ月以内で、スムーズに進んだことを嬉しく思います。 審査に関しては、行政書士さんにお願いしました。 無事に取得でき、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 これで、より落ち着いて仕事に生活にと邁進できます。 これからも日本社会に貢献していけるように、一生懸命頑張ります。

  9. Autumn insects - 秋の虫 

    2022-01-03 04:26:16 UTC
    虫に興味津々な息子と共に、秋の虫取りに行きました。 私はこの日本の秋の虫の鳴き声が大のお気に入りです。 仕事帰りの暗い夜道で鳴き声を聴くと、とても癒されます。 一時は鳴き声も大きかったですが、冬が近づくにつれその声もしなくなりました。 少し寂しくなりますが、また来年を楽しみにしています。 コオロギ クツワムシ キリギリス トノサマバッタ カマキリ  をたくさん捕まえました。 来年は絶対にスズムシ、マツムシ、カンタンを捕まえると息子は張り切っています。

  10. The Fukubukuro “Lucky Bag” craze during the Japanese New Year

    2021-12-28 15:25:00 UTC
    In what many consider to be Japan’s equivalent of Black Friday, eager shoppers are awaiting the arrival of fukubukuro bags hitting the shelves over the New Year holidays. Fukubukuro combines the word ‘fuku’ (good fortune) and ‘bukuro’ (bag), to form “lucky bag”. These are sealed shopping bags sold at a…

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